Sometimes practicing self-care can feel the least accessible when we need it the most. When we’re feeling stressed and overwhelmed, it can be hard for us to engage in problem-solving or planning. A written self-care plan can be a helpful tool when you need a reminder of some of the practices that serve you.
It’s best to write a self-care plan when you are feeling balanced rather than trying to write it in a moment of overwhelm. Used in this way, it can be a helpful exercise to identify those self-care practices that you have that help you maintain your well-being (proactive self-care) and those that you turn to in response to distress (reactive self-care). Proactive and reactive self-care practices aren’t necessarily mutually exclusive. Self-care is dynamic and necessitates flexibility – what serves you is dependent on your current situation and available resources. It’s important to revisit and update your self-care plan over time.
The specific details of a self-care plan are unique to the individual. However, many self-care plans have some consistent elements, including a holistic view on the different dimensions that comprise our well-being. For example, the self-care plan below offers space to consider what serves one’s mind, body, and spirit, as well as relationships and goals. Other iterations of self-care plans may include a space where you can identify personal signs – e.g. forgetfulness or increased irritability – that may indicate a need to engage in some intentional self-care. Some self-care plans may also include identifying those things that may not serve you when you are distressed – e.g. particular people not to call or activities to avoid.
To download a blank self-care plan, visit Social Work Tech here.